in development

link: the movie game

Hey, remember that guy who was in that thing? With what’s-her-name? What else was he in? With who? If you find yourself asking questions like this–or better yet, answering them–then I’ve got a game for you.

L.I.N.K. The Movie Game is a round-robin style movie trivia game created and designed by Shawn Pirelli of Blubird Studios, and programmed by myself. You can play with 2, 3, or 4 players. Start off with a movie title, and let the next player try to name an actor from it. The next player might name another actor from the same film, or mix things up by naming another film the last actor appeared in. How long can you keep it going? You’ve got 30 seconds to find out!


Check the game out on Google Play, and visit Blubird Studios for more information!