in development

an endless golden thread

Ever since Web Workers arrived, I’ve been thinking about how to use them in my own stuff. I’ve been developing a game that involves a procedurally generated cliff path and I want that path, like all good things, to go on forever.

(Want to see it in action? Try the Live Demo. WSAD moves, Q for fullscreen.)

I update the scene every time the player moves a set distance from the last update. If I do this within an animation frame, I’m going to get a drop in frame rate, and possibly a visible skip in the game experience. That’s an immersion killer. Workers to the rescue!

Well, not so fast.

The GL context itself can’t be used in a worker thread, as it’s derived from a DOM object. I can’t update my display meshes directly, and I can’t send them back and forth—function members are stripped out when sending objects between threads. Only data is allowed. So: data it is. Generate updates in the worker thread, and hand the results over to the main thread for display. (I was worried that objects would be serialized JSON-style across thread boundaries, but Chrome and Firefox perform a higher-performance binary copy of the data instead.)

Creating a thread is simple enough.

T.worker = new Worker("thread.js");
T.worker.onmessage = function(e) {
T.worker.onerror = function(e) {
	console.log("worker thread error: " + 
		e.message + " at line " +
		e.lineno + " in file " +

Sadly, that error handler is all the debugging support you’re likely to get. Because the worker thread is running inside another page context, you can’t set a breakpoint in it. Back to the heady days of printf debugging! Ah, memories.

After creating the thread, I want to tell it to construct whatever objects it needs to fulfill my requests—in this case, the objects that describe the cliff path surfaces. There’s a problem, however, as I also need those objects in the main thread to handle collisions. I can’t share the surface objects directly as they contain function members. So, I create the surface maps, which are data-only, and ship those across.

// generate road and cliff surface maps =;
SOAR.pattern.randomize(, T.seed(), 0, 1);
this.road.height =, 6, 0.05); =, 128);
SOAR.pattern.walk(, T.seed(), 8, 0.05, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
SOAR.pattern.normalize(, 0, 1);
var surf0 =, 10, 0.05, 0.1);
var surf1 =, 5, 0.25, 0.5);
var surf2 =, 1, 0.75, 1.5);
this.cliff.surface = function(y, z) {
	return surf0(y, z) + surf1(y, z) + surf2(y, z);

// send the maps to the worker thread and let it initialize
	cmd: "init",
	map: {
	seed: {
		rocks: T.seed(),
		brush: T.seed()

On the thread side, a handler picks up the message and routes it to the necessary function.

this.addEventListener("message", function(e) {

	switch( {
	case "init":
	case "generate":

}, false);

The initialization function uses the surface maps to build surface objects, plus a set of “dummy” mesh objects.

function init(data) {

	// received height map from main thread; make line object
	road.height =, 6, 0.05);
	// generate dummy mesh for vertex and texture coordinates
	road.mesh = SOAR.mesh.create(display);
	road.mesh.add(0, 3);
	road.mesh.add(0, 2);

	// received surface map from main thread; make surface object
	var surf0 =, 10, 0.05, 0.1);
	var surf1 =, 5, 0.25, 0.5);
	var surf2 =, 1, 0.75, 1.5);
	cliff.surface = function(y, z) {
		return surf0(y, z) + surf1(y, z) + surf2(y, z);
	cliff.mesh = SOAR.mesh.create(display);
	cliff.mesh.add(0, 3);
	cliff.mesh.add(0, 2);

	// received RNG seed
	brush.seed = data.seed.brush;
	brush.mesh = SOAR.mesh.create(display);
	brush.mesh.add(0, 3);
	brush.mesh.add(0, 2);

	rocks.seed =;
	rocks.mesh = SOAR.mesh.create(display);
	rocks.mesh.add(0, 3);
	rocks.mesh.add(0, 2);

Creating these dummy objects might seem strange. Why not just use arrays? Well, the mesh object wraps a vertex array plus an index array, and provides methods to deal with growing these arrays and handling stride and so on. It’s more convenient and means I have to write less code. When I send the mesh object across the thread boundary, I can simply treat it as a data object.

On every frame update, I check the player’s position, and once it’s moved a set distance from the position of the last update, I tell the worker thread to get busy.

update: function() {


	// update all detail objects if we've moved far enough
	var ppos =;
	if (T.detailUpdate.distance(ppos) > T.DETAIL_DISTANCE) {

			cmd: "generate",
			pos: ppos



The worker handles the request by populating the dummy meshes and sending them to the display thread.

function generate(p) {

	// lock the z-coordinate to integer boundaries
	p.z = Math.floor(p.z);

	// road is modulated xz-planar surface
	indexMesh(road.mesh, 2, 64, function(xr, zr) {
		var z = p.z + (zr - 0.5) * 16;
		var y = road.height(z);
		var x = cliff.surface(y, z) + (xr - 0.5);
		road.mesh.set(x, y, z, xr, z);
	}, false);

	// cliff is modulated yz-planar surface
	// split into section above path and below
	indexMesh(cliff.mesh, 32, 64, function(yr, zr) {
		var z = p.z + (zr - 0.5) * 16;
		var y = road.height(z) + yr * 8;
		var x = cliff.surface(y, z) + 0.5;
		cliff.mesh.set(x, y, z, y, z);
	}, false);
	indexMesh(cliff.mesh, 32, 64, function(yr, zr) {
		var z = p.z + (zr - 0.5) * 16;
		var y = road.height(z) - yr * 8;
		var x = cliff.surface(y, z) - 0.5;
		cliff.mesh.set(x, y, z, y, z);
	}, true);

	// brush and rocks are generated in "cells"
	// cells occur on integral z boundaries (z = 0, 1, 2, ...)
	// and are populated using random seeds derived from z-value

	(function(mesh) {
		var i, j, k;
		var iz, x, y, z, a, r, s;
		// 16 cells because path/cliff is 16 units long in z-direction
		for (i = -8; i < 8; i++) {
			iz = p.z + i;
			// same random seed for each cell
			rng.reseed(Math.abs(iz * brush.seed + 1));
			// place 25 bits of brush at random positions/sizes
			for (j = 0; j < 25; j++) {
				s = rng.get() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1;
				z = iz + rng.get(0, 1);
				y = road.height(z) - 0.0025;
				x = cliff.surface(y, z) + s * (0.5 - rng.get(0, 0.15));
				r = rng.get(0.01, 0.1);
				a = rng.get(0, Math.PI);
				// each brush consists of 4 triangles
				// rotated around the center point
				for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
					mesh.set(x, y, z, 0, 0);
					mesh.set(x + r * Math.cos(a), y + r, z + r * Math.sin(a), -1, 1);
					a = a + Math.PI * 0.5;
					mesh.set(x + r * Math.cos(a), y + r, z + r * Math.sin(a), 1, 1);

	(function(mesh) {
		var o = SOAR.vector.create();
		var i, j, k;
		var iz, x, y, z, r, s;
		var tx, ty;
		for (i = -8; i < 8; i++) {
			iz = p.z + i;
			// same random seed for each cell--though not
			// the same as the brush, or rocks would overlap!
			rng.reseed(Math.abs(iz * rocks.seed + 2));
			// twenty rocks per cell
			for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
				s = rng.get() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1;
				z = iz + rng.get(0, 1);
				y = road.height(z) - 0.005;
				x = cliff.surface(y, z) + s * (0.5 - rng.get(0.02, 0.25));
				r = rng.get(0.01, 0.03);
				tx = rng.get(0, 5);
				ty = rng.get(0, 5);
				// each rock is an upturned half-sphere
				indexMesh(mesh, 6, 6, function(xr, zr) {
					o.x = 2 * (xr - 0.5);
					o.z = 2 * (zr - 0.5);
					o.y = (1 - o.x * o.x) * (1 - o.z * o.z);
					mesh.set(x + o.x, y + o.y, z + o.z, xr + tx, zr + ty);
				}, false);


	// send mesh data back to main UI
		cmd: "build-meshes",
		cliff: cliff.mesh,
		road:  road.mesh,
		brush: brush.mesh,
		rocks: rocks.mesh

Once it’s received an update, the display thread copies over the mesh data.

copyMesh: function(dest, src) {
	dest.length = src.length;
	dest.indexLength = src.indexLength;

build: function(data) {
	this.copyMesh(this.cliff.mesh, data.cliff);;

	this.copyMesh(this.road.mesh, data.road);;

	this.copyMesh(this.brush.mesh, data.brush);;;

And that’s that. Nice work, worker! Take a few milliseconds vacation time.