in development

summer freeze, makes me feel fine

Gas has entered feature freeze. My last crack at the script prompted me to add a few new things to the codebase, after which I said enough, it’s fine, leave it. However, I tossed most of that script away, so it’s going to be another couple of weeks before I can release it. (Release Gas? Ha, ha, ha. I’ve been holding that one in for ages.)

I said after Easy Does It that I’d be trying to script earlier in the process than later. Though I did start the script early on, I kept thinking hey, let’s see what this looks like, so I’d look up a week later and find a new game concept (that I might actually use, or might not) and a half-finished rough script that didn’t read so well anymore. It didn’t help that I completely changed the point of the game twice. Indecision seems to be a problem, but who can tell?