Comments on: pavo: a first look and so on... Fri, 24 Apr 2015 02:43:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: b. vegh Mon, 20 Oct 2014 10:26:59 +0000 yeah i tried to z-order them and probably did it wrong, thus it wasn’t working. i didn’t try again and probably should have. my programmer friend has given up trying to adapt pavo to my game concept. i’m disappointed, to be honest, cause it has so much promise, but he didn’t want to try to write a bunch of new code to get it to do stuff i asked for. i blame myself lol

By: chris Wed, 15 Oct 2014 12:56:12 +0000 Regarding the sphere questions: It’s not too difficult to model a sphere (though texturing it is another matter). Collision wise, you can use the 3D distance formula d2 = (dx)2 + (dy)2 + (dz)2 to determine how close you are. Somewhere on the blog I know I have some code to generate the sphere model.

(Edit) right here:

By: chris Wed, 15 Oct 2014 12:52:11 +0000 All the models are handmade or generated in code, that’s why they’re so simple. 😉 This is another reason I thought you might want to build on a different platform–so much of pavo is generated by fiddly little bits of code instead of loading models and textures from authoring tools. At this point, there isn’t even a method for importing a model. I know work has been done in this area, though. There should be a JavaScript library out there to do it.

By: chris Wed, 15 Oct 2014 12:47:43 +0000 Nice! What’s the reason for wanting the images in the bottom right hand corner to involve the canvas? You should be able to make them absolute positioned divs and put them wherever you want. If the z-order is specified properly they will “float” over the canvas; I use the same principle for my home page link in the original pavo.

By: b. vegh Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:19:38 +0000 eep, one more thing. since your blocks are made out of 3d noise, would it be possible to create a sphere out of 3d noise and make it traversable by the camera at ground level? i mean, your collision seems to work fine with cubes but what about with spheres (made of small blocks perhaps?) ? too processor heavy? require a different set of calculations for staying on the sphere? that was the hold up on space to planet stuff – gravity and physics had to be calculated from the center of the sphere ( planet), but if you’ve already created a way to solidify as it were, blocks and make them collision-able with 3d noise, seems to me that a traversable sphere made of the same thing (3d noise blocks, would be easy peasy. (i realize that as a non-programmer, i’m probably way off on that but a bunch 3d noise blocks whether in a sphere or a flat plane, is still a 3d noise block. )

By: b. vegh Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:40:11 +0000 p.s. it’s only 2 frames of animation so it no look so good lol. (not to mention, it’s 2 pngs with a javascript animating them back and forth on w keypress).

we are currently trying to nudge pavo into doing extra things. like: i want an editor for moving blocks around after they’ve been generated. trying to figure out how to make the blocks larger, even one large block for floor, one for ceiling and one for walls, so we can generate a pavo that can look like an outdoor scene. etc . in other words, trying to build an entire game environment with nothing but reiterations of pavo (in different folders/pages), with maybe some “easy does it” and “gas food and lodging” tossed in for good measure. 😀

i like easy does it “zoning” from one part of the cave to the next. that could be useful. by the way, how did you figure out the matrices for the model meshes? were you using a specific modeling program? cause i think we can import models in and place them in the game world, but we need to know how to make the meshes like you did for panel and ghosts.

By: b. vegh Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:22:50 +0000 yeah there was one called infinity space game (here’s youtube ) but i haven’t heard anything new about it since well, 2011. and you couldn’t get out of your ship and walk around. you could just fly from space, down to the surface and fly above the surface.

star wars galaxies handled it by having a space station you “docked” with and then were given the option to go to the surface, which would then materialize you on the ground of the planet, which was just a big zone, not a rendered globe. there was no “flying down to the surface”.

anyway, thought you might like to see the silly stick figure (2d painted character, in an animated absolutely positioned div, glued to the window) walking in your pavo game. hehe

see those images in the bottom right hand corner? i want to make those into image links, but everytime i read up on how to insert links onto canvas, it always sounds like charlie brown’s teacher
i can read up on how to draw images on canvas or how to draw links onto canvas but i can’t find image links on canvas . it’s driving me kabonkers.

By: chris Tue, 14 Oct 2014 01:40:04 +0000 Regarding scanning objects into 3D noise: yeah, that sounds like the Holy Grail of procedural generation. :) Before I stopped working on games, I was experimenting with some ideas about grabbing real-world textures (grass, rocks, sky, fur, whatever) from photos and putting them into a sort of algorithmic “blender” that could generate new stuff by putting the bits together in creative ways. Never got very far but maybe I’ll pick it up again someday.

Regarding the “big question” about games that take you from space to ground: have you heard of No Man’s Sky? That’s a procedurally generated game that sounds like an attempt to do just what you’re taking about. I don’t think it’s out yet but I’ll certainly be keeping an eye on it.

By: b. vegh Sun, 12 Oct 2014 13:20:27 +0000 p.s. at least on the internet, when the player has finished with the information on one page (for example the pavo room), they can go to an entirely new page, almost like switching zones in an mmo.

By: b. vegh Sun, 12 Oct 2014 13:15:40 +0000 ideally, what we need is a program that can take any 3d room or object, and transform it into 3d noise that can be scanned and rendered by a pavo-like function, as a solid, collision-able object. then we could put any model, be it a building, a ship or a character/npc model, a ground texture/height map (such as a planetary map with its associated height/depth image map) in the game and it would immediately inherit the same characteristics you see in pavo, such as collision, coloring and lighting, all done with nothing but noise. of course the program would need to interpret if the space was solid or empty. hehe

what makes that important is that many planet textures, even in c++ engines, have no collison and some, just have simple collision. simple collision makes the ground solid, but buildings/walls and ships and other things that should be solid, are not. pavo’s noise + function, renders solid objects, but can also render things like color and light, which is not solid.

and this brings me to the really big question that has been bugging me for awhile now. why are there no games, where you can fly thru space, right down to the surface of a planet/moon, get out of your vehicle and walk around on the surface, enter 3d buildings and so on? it’s so frustrating being a game fanatic, without the ability to program the ideas in my head.
